Statement from CDC Chief Medical Officer Dr. Deb Houry on 2023 Overdose Death Data

Media Statement

For Immediate Release, Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Contact: Media Relations
(404) 639-3286

Today’s data showing a decrease in drug overdoses over the 12-month period through December 2023 is heartening news for our nation and demonstrates we are making progress to prevent deaths from drug overdoses. The decrease is a testament to the hard work by all of our partners in this effort and the work being done on the ground as part of a coordinated federal effort on prevention, services, and harm reduction. However, this does not mean we have accomplished our mission. The data show we still lost over 100,000 people last year; meaning, there are still families and friends losing their loved ones to drug overdoses at staggering numbers. This progress over the last 12 months should make us want to reinvigorate our efforts knowing that our strategies are making a difference.

I encourage all of our partners to continue the incredible work they are doing as part of the national strategy.

Our thoughts remain with those who have lost loved ones and those who are struggling with addiction or know someone who is. Our country is committed to ending this epidemic and preventing unnecessary death and suffering.


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